Monday 24 February 2014

Can colour effect human behaviour? How does colour change customer's reactions? 

Colours play a vital role in framing consumer's decisions as there is a very strong connection between colour and feelings. Colours are responsible for triggering a specific type of response in the brain and the body. For example, red raises the blood pressure and and pulse rates whereas blue lowers the blood pressure and respiration rates. Colours prove to be a brand's identity for a marketer as it connects to their emotions. For a retailer, persuasive ability is the key to shopping and this is achieved by visual cues, the strongest and the most persuasive colour.

Color and Marketing
When marketing new products it is crucial to consider that consumers place visual appearance and color above other factors when shopping (1% sound / smell, 6% texture, 93% visual appearance).
  • 85% of shoppers place color as a primary reason for why they buy a particular product.
Color and Branding
Color increases brand recognition by 80%. Brand recognition directly links to consumer confidence.

If you are you the owner of a small, medium or a large corporation, you probably have an understanding of what the significance color of money is, but do you know the color of your "business"???
The right color of your company renders customers positive reaction or creates a negative perception; it is therefore paramount to your success to adopt the color that evokes a positive energy in your audience.
Having acquired this new insight, why not start firstly by applying it to your corporate logo, your stationery and business documents, your catalogs, your advertising and possibly - depending on the type of business your packaging products.

Monday 10 February 2014

Probe The Secrets of Brain

Everything we do, every thought we've ever had, is produced by the human brain. But exactly how it operates remains one of the biggest unsolved mysteries, and it seems the more we probe its secrets, the more surprises we find.                         by Neil deGrasse Tyson

Brain Lobes and waves:

As we all have studied about the four lobes of our brain back in our school days, I’ll give you a brief introduction of them once again so that you can re-collect that good old theory.

To study Neuro-marketing, one definitely needs to know all parts of the brain in order to understand the functioning and how each part reacts to different parts of an advertisement. Starting with the lobes

In most of the cases by studying activation in these lobes we’ll get to know whether a commercial is going to be liked by people or announced boring.
Apart from lobes, brain waves play an important role as they determine our state when we are exposed to external stimuli. The major 4 waves are:

Image Courtesy: Google Images.

I know this has become too scientific to grasp but this simple theory of brain has led to so many discoveries and manifestation of profit among investors.Next posts will introduce you to logo designing and branding and I bet this would be something that would make you wonder how simple things can create a complex impact on your minds!!!

Tuesday 4 February 2014

   MYSTERY DEMYSTIFIED !! - It's All About Brain Activity.

Exploring new ways to get the best results have always been our motto and so has been for many brands and companies worldwide. It's high time we open our minds to this breathtaking technology.... The advertisement world can be changed easily and the profits can be brought to astounding states..!! The Examples below are self explanatory.. Enjoy :) 
There are many studies that have been conducted till now in the field of neuromarketing but the most famous are: 

1)Campbell’s soup : In 2010 Campbell's decided to change the packaging of their soup as they realized that their sales were not increasing. After studying the effect of packaging using brain scans, ECG, GSR and other biometrics on 40 subjects, they found that the logo of Campbell's

 at the top deterred the consumers from buying certain soups as it made their search difficult. Additional research concluded that the spoon in the packaging did not elicit much activity in the brain as it had little emotional engagement. They decided to replace the spoon with steam to make it look more realistic and replaced the bowl with a bigger one. Also they placed the Cambell’s logo at the bottom instead of keeping it at the top, this change in the design evoked much greater activity in the brain resulting in increase of sales.

      2)Yahoo’s Successful Commercial : Yahoo tested their 60- second television commercial that features happy, dancing people around the world with neuromarketing techniques. It tested it using EEG and found that the ad activated the frontal cortices of brain and the limbic system. The Frontal cortex of brain is associated with memory and emotions. The commercial was aired in September to lure more users to use their search engine and is now a part of their $100 million branding campaign.

      3) KFC Commercial dissected using EEG and eye-tracking : Excitement after one third of the ad increases followed by the number of faces resulting in increased activity in the brain.